"In the name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, The Most Compassionate!"
Bismillah is to remind me that Allah is with me,
in every step that I take each second, each minute,
each hour, each day... Always!
Allah is in every breath that I need to breathe.
Allah gives me Life!
Allah is the sweetness in my Life!
It was all done just for me because He love me.
God is the One who has created me!
I do know that is not me that does the work;
It is not me that magicly make oppertunities arise.
It is not me that grows fruits from every action.
I really know with out Allah, I am alone and powerless.
Allah gave me life and gifted me the ability to move,
to think, to feel freely.
I am really dependent on God, the All-Mighty
for all ....
He is very essence of life itself, for me!
Tell me, why should I ever to be forced to stop,
to share ALLAH'S LOVE...
after all Mohammed, the prophet,
himself had to conquer so many
hurdle's and difficulties ...
Why should I put an limit on myself,
and to my love, that I have for Allah.
After all
"Bismillah al rahman al rahim"
" There is only ONE, and Only one GOD!
And also,
"La Elah Ella Allah;
Mohammed Rasul Allah"
" There is no god but ALLAH and
Mohammad is the messenger of ALLAH"
All and every word of my poetry
showes my love for Him.
I found sweetness In Allah...
Allah Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
"Why people act like that?"
The world is filled with so many
arrogant, selfish, vain, self-centered people.
Will they ever learn that they are
wrong by being unpleasant,
pushy, arrogant, rude and selfish?
I see self-centered people being weak and so slow.
I like to know if their even exercise their brain?
They just standing or sitting there,
attacking, complain , judging others,
and just whine about being so bored, while twisting
or squeezing their hands, and hurt others.
Oh God! Please help such whiners,
loser to find their path back to the
road that leads to victory. I had to
think very hard how I would handle this,
in a peaceful manner. I was literally attacked
by a self-proclaimed know-it-all.
Some people just so self-centered and stupid!
God my feelings are very hostile.
Please, forgive me!
I do understand all my actions should
be restrained and on an mature level.
But, how can I be serious with an selfish,
conceded, self-centered Moran?
Oh, God! Please tell me is there more
to gain, in this situation when I use
my own self-restraint;
Rather me getting even with such an vain,
self-important, silly, or aggressively stupid person.
My heart lies heavy, I am Muslim!
I feel pity for them!
Because they do not know what
valuable time they wasted.
Standing there just attacking someone else
because they are just different.
Oh God, I do think ignoring them is the best.
I am the wiser one. After all I did learned
vertime that selfish, egotistical people, thrive on attention.
If I totally ignore them it will
make them crazier. Yes! But if I
confront them with more words
that gives them the last word.
Oh, God! You right why should
I give them that kind of power at all!
Really, I do not envy self-centered
people, who have their evil ways.
Oh God! I do not ever want to be like them!
I am so irritated to see, such
self-centered people inflicting other pain!
I see now that some of us choose for themselves to
treasures just the good, but some, they
literally treasure the wrath that will come upon them.
I see now yes, it is true what we have here now,
and how we handle situations depends on what we
get rewarded there after.
***Smile***© Copyright Heidi Anna Rosa 2008
From Heidi, a dear friend who became a Muslim (a german-american) and as she say she's the first metaphycial Poet Muslim, very soon she will publish her first metaphysical poetry "Book". People Call her Huda Al Faraj :)